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Thursday, September 27, 2007

'' i want 2 break free!!!''
thats my new ''zhao'' 4 irritating shi xuan, pxn and may
anyway, i fell sick on monday and tuesday and came back on wednesday, still coughing badly and jessie was damn irritated...
senior junior and herk sao didn't come 2day and we're guessing that herk went to malaysia...
funny right, cos his excuse is always '' i went to maLAYSIA WAT! ''
i am trying 2 call ber sao now but i can't
today we didn't have PE and we missed football!!!!!
ok tahts all 4 2day folks

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 4:21 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 10:14 AM

Friday, September 14, 2007

Chapter 1

yay!!! i finally got a title!
anway, anyhow, me cuz diya got nominated 4 the 93.3 best newcomer award
NOMINATED, not won, geddit?
i do not know how 2 vote, when 2 vote, or where 2 vote. well.... not really where 2
if u do not know how to vote and ask her in the cbox, but pls do not spam it.
if u know,PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
nvm, i'll check it out myself n i'll kam back 2 tell you guys about it!
Chapter 2

2day, my class had the PSLE listening compre and it was damn easy peasy lemon squeezy!!!!
a lot pple were damn nervous and jittery about the listening compre
an example is vunisha neorupt
she kept stepping on my shoe and made me fall face flat on the ground
so irritating....

this is goose signing off

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 6:47 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2007

forgotten 2 write about my BBQ party on the friday b4 last friday(dunno how 2 name it)
ber sao, pxn, shi xuan, jane, jun jie, jian er, hua shin, gabriella, me cuzin elston n lydia(diya)
sorry, left out carrie jie jie(project superstar female runner-up)
wanted 2 invite herky but could not kam
we had bbq chic wings, satay, prawns n many others goodies!!!!!
shin corp, gabriella came at 4.00p.m. while jj came at 4.45p.m.
we waited a while 4 jian er 2 come so we could play soccer
later, jane came and we asked her 2 join our soccer game as there was an odd number of pple playing soccer but she did'nt one 2 play..........
so...... my mom had 2 ask a boy watching us 2 play with us.....
" ah boy ar, you 1 2 play wif them a not hah?"
of course the boy said yes....
and he got toooo engrossed in the game that he kicked the ball at my face!

"evan....damn itchy leh"
"yar loh.... lying on this grass is freaking me out....."
"OK!!!OK!!! u 1 to stand up by all means!!!!"
we were playing hide-and-seek
seekers: gabriella, jj
hiding place:
state land. enter at your own risk. trepassers will be prosecuted
nice hiding place right?!

anyway, we had great fun bla....bla.....bla.....
lots of satay left over
oh!!!!! b4 i forgot, i got anew motorola v3 handphone from diya!!! real coooooollll!!!!
pls go 2 blog)
n read the post about evan almighty lee
u will hav 2 scroll down a bit 2 get there.
s'long folks!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 8:56 PM

okey dokey i'm finally PoStInG due 2 popular demand...(mostly from ber sao)
prelims results not bad 4 math, english, chinese
others quite lan
herk sao jus gave me a laser pen 4 free(thx so much)
veri fun disturbing pple wif it
espiecially ber sao
he doesnt even seem 2 notice it wen i shone it at him.....ha!ha!
i'm wicked!!!!
2 day pang xtra nerd AKA pang xin ning, tried 2 give berwyn a leg wash
not a normal leg wash,
but a 'mao tui'(hairy leg) wash wif her nike bottle
p.s. u should check out ber sao's legs
the're really cool
2day we dun haf PE lesson cos.....
tack jun, jian er, ber sao, big bird, spencer n i had 2 arrange all the tables n chairs 4 PSLE listening compre
wish medric was there......
anyway good luc 2 everyone in their listening compre!!!!
and that was news on channel goose.
see you 2moro!

Form your resolve. Charge forward. Leave no regrets. 1:55 PM

13 year old slacker, going 14 next year.
can't stop sleeping.
me crazy bout fried stuff


#1 my own building materials
#2 ipod touch
#3 2 more pairs of canvas shoes
#4 DJ max 3 (psp)
#5 god of war 3 (psp)
#6 triple science, two math







July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
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December 2008



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